To Use Songwriter Source:
people will have different ideas as far as how to
use this website. Beginners can use it as a resource
to make an informed decision about who, what, when
and where to send their songs. Industry professionals
can use it as a one-stop directory for up-to-date
industry contacts. Use this site anywhere there is an internet
For those
looking to direct submissions and inquiries, we
have included reference cues about the degree that
a listing would be open to solicitation. There's no
need to waste time and effort in the process of
making a connection with the right people.
The following
icons will appear to the right of the listings:
For Submissions From Beginners Up To Professionals
For Submissions From Established and Previously
Published Artists and songwriters
From Industry Professionals Only
Status is Unknown
Always read and follow the submission guidelines
of any company you choose to submit to. Some accept
unsolicited submissions freely and some you must
first call, email or send a query letter.